A Second Chance Puppies and Kittens Rescue
P.O. Box 211924
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33421 -1924
(561) 333-1100
Needs Foster   |  Recent Arrivals   |  Cats: 18   |  Dogs: 27

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Old Dixie
Old Dixie came to our group from our good friend Teri Dosil of Highland County Animal Care and Control. Dixie was surrendered by her owner who told Teri that Dixie was approx 14 years old. Not only was Dixie surrendered, but her three 4 week old puppies were as well. Poor Dixie looked like she had been bred every single time she had gone into heat. Her milk engorged teats dragged on the ground. Since our litters go in alphabetical order she was due to be named with the letter O, so she became Old Dixie. She was a great Mom and her puppies were adopted out the first week they became available. Unfortunately, once she was spayed, Dixie teats still hung down almost to the ground. Not really believing that Dixie could be fourteen years old and still having puppies, we guessed her age to be around 8 or 9. She lived with me and my two kids and became a foster favorite. My daughter gave her the nickname Big Momma. She slept in on my daughters bed at night. She wasn't very active, only going outside to use the bathroom, but boy did she perk up when she thought there was food around. She would bark, but it sounded like a seal. My daughter would tell Dixie to speak and she would start her "seal barking" for a treat. Dixie got fostered to adopt by a very nice lady who was able to look past her imperfections. Last night, Dixie began to act strangely and was not herself. This morning her foster rushed her to the emergency vet and after blood work and many other tests, Dixie continued to decline. Her temp was at 104 and she was having cardiac irregularities and could no longer stand up. A decision was made to end her suffering. Although she was only at my house for a fraction of her life, my kids and I loved her very much. So much, that I am crying as I write this. I am happy that at the end of her life Dixie knew what love and kindness and being spoiled were all about. Rest in Peace Big Momma!! Ruth, Shelby and Andrew

Betty-Jo came to us pregnant from Northern FL. After a week she delivered 9 beautiful puppies named Banjo, Bingo, BJ, Blaze, Bliss, Buttons, Boots, Buzz and Bandit. Betty-Jo was a sweet dog that, although big, thought she was a lapdog and would often climb in your lap and take a nap. When the pups were almost a month old they began to show signs of distemper and had to be put down. Betty-Jo also started to show symptoms and was subsequently tested. When the test came back positive, we knew she had to be put down also. It had to be done in order for her not to suffer. My family is very sad, but we would never have wanted the disease to progress to the painful end that it could have. Now Betty-Jo is with her puppies in Heaven. She really missed them when I had to take them away. We will never forget the experience of having her in our lives. We will always love and miss you Betty-Jo! Ruth, Shelby and Andrew

Sweet, sweet Champ. All of us who had the great pleasure to have met you thank God for bringing you into our lives. Peace and comfort to you now that you are in heaven. God Bless!

You weren't "my friend" for very long. I didn't even want to name you, because I was sure you were on your way to doggie heaven. You were a sweet little thing. Two more of your brothers have joined you. I hope you enjoy yourselves there more than you could here.

Dulce, Dudley, Daysi
When you came to me with your mother who was so very thin and so afraid I did not know if you all would make it. But as time went buy you started to get big and strong. You made it to 6 weeks old. But then a germ came into the house and took hold of you. No matter what I did I could not save you. For the short time that you where with me you brough me joy and I will always remember you. When I feel sad I will remember how you would play with your mom and your other siblings. In time the pain will go but your love will be with me forever. Love from your foster mom

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